Starfish Maquette, set of 2


Starfish Maquette 1

The Starfish is an amazing creature. They have a gene that allows them to regenerate!  I have loved to visit them over the years especially at Strawberry Hill near Yachats, OR where I was raised in the 1970's. 

Starfish Maquette 2

Set of Two


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Tracy. I am glad you could check it out. Big Hugs!

  2. These starfish are just fantastic. The way you ripped the tape and made that part of the object is very impressive. Then you took the care to put so much detail into both sides of each one, it really makes these pop. Excellent lighting as well.

    1. Thanks Jeff! I had fun exploring the materials we had to work with and I really enjoyed the meditative process of adding the texture. I appreciate the feedback. See you in class.

  3. Love the little detail of the "feet" on the bottom of both of the starfish. Very nice

  4. This piece is awesome. I thought about using this layering technique to get a more organic looking surface, but I don't think i would have the patience to do so. The way you did it makes it looks very well shaped and smooth, almost like paper mache. great work!


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