Project One - Noni Tree


Project #1  Personal Icon
Noni Tree

The flash shows detail but loses beauty. It needs more shadows.

Backside of Trunk. some fallen "leaf" in the background.

Be the Squirrel! 

   Process pictures...More in another post.

This is my first project for ART 117 3-D Design.  The directions were to use Cardboard (in this case a cereal box) and masking tape to create an object that is a self portrait. I am pretty close to finished with this, but since it is "me", I will keep working to improve it as long as I possible can. 

I think I could add meaningful (to me) details to this project until the tape dries out and disintegrates.



  1. Your Icon really stands out, the detail we see here is again, outstanding. Glad I got the chance to see your work.

  2. This tree is truly amazing. It reminds me of The Tree of Souls from the Avatar movie. It gives me a sense of a scared place or a peaceful place.


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